Rebecca Billerio-Riff, LCSW-C

Therapist, The Center for OCD and Anxiety


  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Rebecca Billerio-Riff, LCSW-C, is a therapist at Sheppard Pratt’s Center for OCD and Anxiety, specializing in the treatment of OCD and related anxiety disorders (including food-allergy related anxiety). She employs cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) in her work with clients.

Rebecca earned her Master of Social Work from The University of Central Florida. Before her career in mental health she spent six years working in the music industry in Los Angeles, choosing and licensing music for a TV production company. She integrates the creativity of her past career with the empathy and knowledge required for the mental health field.

Prior to joining The Center for OCD and Anxiety, Rebecca gained experience at CBT Baltimore, Away Of Change Counseling, Bea Gaddy Family Centers, and The Grayson LA Treatment Center for Anxiety & OCD. She is an active member of the International OCD Foundation (IOCDF) and has presented at several IOCDF conferences. She is also a member of the Food Allergy Counselor Network.

Rebecca believes that getting better at managing OCD and anxiety takes practice, patience, and learning to accept the uncertainties that we usually attempt to chase away.

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