Our team has deep expertise in driving internal and external awareness of behavioral health services, as well as planning for future behavioral health needs.

Behavioral healthcare has emerged as a major challenge in the modern healthcare landscape. Compared to traditional medical and surgical service lines, mental health and substance use disorder-related service lines historically have struggled to compete for organizational prioritization in larger acute care systems. As a result, many health systems’ behavioral healthcare offerings do not include the full breadth of services necessary to provide long-standing care for their patient populations. Recently, a focus on population health and cost determinants have shone a brighter light on the significant financial impact of untreated behavioral healthcare.

Our specialty is successfully integrating behavioral healthcare services into general healthcare settings. We can assist organizations in assessing and prioritizing the needs of a community – designing and deploying the most effective clinical interventions in your community; helping align behavioral healthcare needs with the general healthcare services organization (e.g., establishing a behavioral healthcare service line); and providing an operations assessment to outline practical, implementation activities to immediately improve clinical, financial, and operational performance.