Each year, more than 48,000 Americans die by suicide and the rate continues to rise. Please join us virtually as we challenge our community to walk 48,000 steps (approximately 21 miles) in September in an effort to raise awareness and connect people to the mental health resources and services they need.
Join in the conversation, share your progress with us on social media, and encourage your friends and family to participate in person (socially distant of course) or virtually along the way as you raise awareness. All you need in order to participate is a pedometer, such as a fitbit or a smartphone with a pedometer app (Pacer, CharityMiles, GoogleFit, or MyFitnessPal), track your steps, and share your progress along the way.
Help us take suicide prevention a step further and join us this month in our awareness efforts! Follow along on social media using #48000steps or add our custom Facebook profile picture frame to show support.