What to Expect with OnTrack Maryland
Before enrolling in OnTrack Maryland, all program participants will complete a phone screening to determine whether OnTrack Maryland is the best fit for their needs.
Once the initial phone screening is completed, a "meet and greet" will be scheduled as a casual and informal way to introduce the team to the individual interested in treatment, and to explain the different facets of the program.
If the individual agrees to participate in the program, they will have rapid access to providers, and will have a diagnosis evaluation performed by the team leader and psychiatrist.
They will have immediate access to all the components of the program, and can use the different members of the team over the course of the two-year program to reach their goals.
Many program participants engage in group therapy, such as our social skills group and family psychoeducation group, which involves the family and support system of the participant in a nine-month, problem-solving multi-family group.