Sheppard Pratt’s Center for Autism provides autism diagnostic services and case management services for individuals with autism spectrum disorder throughout the lifespan.

We have an unparalleled, interdisciplinary team of skilled clinicians – meaning your loved one receives holistic, comprehensive care.

Schedule a Diagnostic Assessment

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Or call our Care Navigators at 410-938-5000

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Autism spectrum disorder is a term used to describe a group of neurological conditions that impact the brain’s ability to process social cues, which affects the way one communicates and interacts with others. Autism spectrum disorder impacts each person differently. Some have mild symptoms and don’t require many resources. Others benefit from lifelong care.

Sheppard Pratt is here to be a resource for your loved one with autism spectrum disorder. From the diagnostic process to lifelong case management services, our team of skilled, caring providers are here for your loved one – no matter their needs.

Our Services

At Sheppard Pratt, we provide private pay autism diagnostic evaluations with case management services.

Autism Diagnostic Services: When You or a Loved One Might Have an Autism Diagnosis

If you think your loved one may have autism spectrum disorder, it’s important to get a formal diagnosis to help facilitate the appropriate level of care and resources. Our interdisciplinary team has decades of experience in diagnosing autism spectrum disorder in children, teenagers, and adults. We employ a full battery of evaluation tests, including the ADOS-2, to determine an accurate diagnosis for your loved one. Learn more.

Case Management Services

After we make a diagnosis, our team develops a comprehensive care plan. We ensure that your loved one has all of the supports and services they need to thrive throughout their life. Many care providers only provide case management and care services until a child turns 21. At Sheppard Pratt, we have the resources and knowledge to provide care throughout the lifespan, giving parents peace of mind that their child will have all the support they need – no matter the circumstances. Learn more.

Services at The Center for Autism

At Sheppard Pratt's Center for Autism, we offer diagnostic services with subsequent case management services. Our interdisciplinary team can get you connected to the care and services you and your loved ones need.

Why Choose Sheppard Pratt for Autism Diagnostic Testing and Case Management?

Our Interdisciplinary Team

At Sheppard Pratt, we provide our patients and clients with an unparalleled, interdisciplinary team. Our team consists of: 

  • Adult and child psychiatrists
  • Clinical psychologists
  • Psychiatric nurse practitioners
  • Behavioral specialists
  • Social workers
  • Occupational therapists
  • Speech/language pathologists
  • Special educators 

Because our team includes providers from a variety of backgrounds and clinical disciplines, we take a holistic approach to care, thinking about all of the areas in which someone may need support to thrive, including medication management. Meet the members of the Center for Autism team.